Students and research: another perspective

Thank you to Chiara Vivaldi ( @VivaldiC ) for producing the latest ResNetSLT blog post. Speech and language therapists are an international community, so having written previously about my own experiences of getting involved in research as a student, let me present you with a different perspective Paula is a final year speech and language therapy student at the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, in Spain. I interviewed Paula and asked her to share her views with ResNetSLT. Why did you get involved in research as a student? It started in class, hearing contradictory information, and wanting to seek out evidence to establish why these contradictions existed, and our lecturers' emphasise the use and need of research. At the end of the day we're doing therapy with people and therefore have a duty to be as informed as possible. How did you first get involved? Having a supportive lecturer was key, they saw my interest and offered me opportunities to get involved in existing research ...