Tweetchat: An introduction to implementation science for the non-specialist

The fourth #ResNetSLT Tweetchat of 2018 took place on Wednesday, 25th April. The chat was hosted by Amy Hilton ( @AmySlt ) and Sally Morgan ( @sallymorganslt ) and was based around this paper: ' An introduction to implementation science for the non-specialist '. The pre-chat overview and questions can be viewed here . The Tweetchat was very fast-paced, with many threads of conversations occurring simultaneously with representation from SLT students, SLTs at different careers stages, as well as those working in research, and participants from other countries. The average number of tweets was the highest number so far this year, potentially indicating the level of interest and engagement in the topic. Our Twitter 'impressions' were again over 300,000, with continued reach evident across the world, including an Australian contingent the following day. It seemed those with a research background were familiar with the term 'implementation science' as a minimum. Howe...