Happy New Year from the 2018 ResNetSLT Action Group

Thank you to Sophie Chalmers ( @SChalmersSLT ) for producing our first blog post of the year: We start the year by bringing you 'ResNetSLT Wednesdays', providing regular updates for research news you will definitely not want to miss. With a dedicated group of 23 members, we have exciting plans for 2018 with monthly 'Tweetchats' discussing a range of interesting papers related to implementing the evidence-base in clinical practice. Join the chat on Twitter on the last Wednesday of every month 7.30-8.30pm UK time. We'll be posting some questions in advance each month, with the link to the paper, plus a summary posted afterwards on our blog site. You can also keep up to date with our additional news blogs every second Wednesday of the month. And hopefully we'll start to see some comments being added in response – please feel free to join in. Have you made your New Year's Resolutions? Personally, I do not usually set myself New Year's resolutions however 20...