Using Twitter to help close the research-to-knowledge-to-practice gap in SLP/SLT worldwide

The ResNetSLT project will link up with @WeSpeechies on Tuesday, 10th October (10–11.00am UK time) to jointly host a Tweetchat. @HazelRoddam1 and @BronwynHemsley will team up to lead a discussion entitled: 'Using Twitter to help close the research-to-knowledge-to-practice gap in SLP/SLT worldwide'. Experienced SLP/SLT tweeters often report not being confident in using Twitter, or being 'the only one' in their department to embrace Twitter as a method of exchanging critical information. In the UK, the hashtag #ResNetSLT was launched to promote increased awareness and implementation of the research evidence-base by SLP/SLT practitioners. Through hosting themed discussions on applied clinical research papers, #ResNetSLT aims to support SLPs/SLTs to gain more confidence in understanding research design issues and the principles of evidence-based practice. The hashtag #WeSpeechies is used to focus on a specific topic for a week, involving a different curator each week. ...