Tweetchat: 'That doesn't translate’ - the role of evidence-based practice in disempowering speech pathologists in acute aphasia management

Our seventh Tweetchat 'That doesn't translate’: the role of evidence-based practice in disempowering speech pathologists in acute aphasia management’ took place on Wednesday 27th July. We were delighted by the reach of the chat, hosted by Dr Hazel Roddam , with 37 participants sending 251 tweets that were delivered to 126,391 linked accounts. Thank you to everyone who contributed and followed the chat. Participants included SLTs from across the UK and in Australia as well as other AHPs. We know that people from other EU countries were also watching the conversation. We were particularly delighted that a number of people joined the Tweetchat for the first time – hope you enjoyed it! The paper reports an exploratory study of speech and language therapists working in Australia with patients who have acute aphasia and it uncovered some startling insights into the direct impact of professionals' values and attitudes on their clinical practice. The SLTs in this study reported fee...